
Currently browsing Driving Tips

Winter Driving Safety

Winter driving can present various challenges due to snow, ice, and cold temperatures. To ensure a safe and comfortable journey during the winter months, consider the following tips: Stay informed about weather forecasts along your route and at your destination. Plan your travel around favorable conditions and be prepared for unexpected changes. Ensure your vehicle is … Continued

Back to School Tips For New Drivers

As students return to school this fall, some will be driving themselves to campus for the first time. This is likely to be a big adjustment for both the kids and the parents. You can alleviate some of the stress by sitting young drivers down for a quick review of things they need to know, … Continued

5 Driving Tips for New Drivers

With back-to-school season here, there are lots of new drivers out on the road. This is such an exciting time for new drivers, but there are definitely safety factors you need to consider before you hit the road. To all the parents and guardians out there, here are a few driving tips for new drivers: … Continued

Signs You Just Might Need a New Car

Nothing lasts forever and that includes your car too. Regardless of how well you care for our vehicle, it’ll eventually be time for a replacement vehicle. And when that time does come, here are several signs to look out for: Major Repair Is Needed. Consider the worth of your vehicle and whether this necessary repair is … Continued

Popular Roadside Assistance Options

Found yourself stranded on the side of the road with no one close to call? Roadside assistance is there to help you when your friends and family are unable to. As long as you have your phone or a roadside assistance button built into your car, you’ll be able to get the help you need.  … Continued

Five Items Every Vehicle Owner Should Have

Emergency situations are very hard to predict. That’s why it’s better to be prepared in the case that one arises.  From something as big as a car accident to as small as having a dead phone in an unfamiliar place, here are a few items that will help you out in a pinch: Spare tire. … Continued

Five Tips for Preparing Your Vehicle for Off-Roading

As the weather keeps warming up, outdoor activities will be rising in popularity. These spring activities can include hiking, backpacking, camping, offroading, and so much more!  Offroading can be very strenuous on your vehicle, so you should take the necessary actions to prepare your vehicle for some added fun.  Here are a few tips from … Continued

Clear Ways to Improve Driving Visibility

This time of year can bring about a lot of visibility issues. Whether it’s the weather – snow, rain or ice, the increased fog this time of year, and even falling debris like rocks and trees. There is plenty to lookout for. In terms of your vehicle’s equipment, there are important maintenance tasks you need … Continued

Tips for Driving Safely in Dense Fog

As the temperature starts to drop in the United States, there will likely be more days where you experience thick fog during your morning commute or late night drives.  Read our latest blog to learn more. We want you to stay safe so please practice extra caution when driving in these conditions. The safest tip … Continued

Dashboard Warning Lights That You Shouldn’t Ignore

Knowing what each warning light means can save you from getting stranded somewhere, or it can even save you from losing control of your vehicle. ABS System The ABS System is in charge of the anti-lock braking system in your vehicle. This light could also appear if brake fluid is running low. Regardless of the … Continued

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